Real Talk: What the Faith?! Pt 2

Real Talk: What the Faith?! Pt 2

I prayed often and earnestly, practically begging that the outcome would be different.  Watching my stepmother battle leukemia was both terrifying and sobering. When my mother passed away, I didn’t have any real reference for how brutal cancer could be; How it could suck the life and vibrance from even the brightest soul. My mother’s death was a harsh crash course into the realities of the disease. This time though, all of that terrible knowledge was etched into my brain, and I couldn't fathom going through it again. I couldn't bear to watch my father go through this again. God had to intervene.

Real Talk: What the Faith?!

Real Talk: What the Faith?!

There is a joyful innocence that you experience with your first pregnancy. Your imagination comes alive with all of the possibilities of what can and will be. The furthest thing from your mind is what could go wrong, and even if you do consider it, you never envision it happening to you.  Experiencing a sudden loss robs you of that innocence the second time around. The journey becomes more or less a treacherous trek, as opposed to some grand adventure.